Rotary Club of West Perth

The Rotary Club of West Perth (Inc.) is one of approximately 50 clubs in RI District 9455 – the largest in Australia – that encompasses most of Western Australia. West Perth Rotary is one of the larger clubs. It was formed, under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Mt Lawley and commenced (chartered) on September 27, 1954. In turn West Perth Rotary has chartered two other Rotary clubs. Six members have become District Governors and the club has hosted many district conferences.
Our club meets over breakfast from 07:30am to 8.30am each Thursday at:
Leederville Sporting Club, 78 Cambridge St, Leederville
We welcome visitors! Parking is free as shown below.

Club Management
The club is managed by a board comprised of the following offices: President, President elect/Vice President, President nominee, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer, and includes Directors who chair the club committees representing Rotary’s avenues of service in accordance with the club’s constitution and bylaws.
Additionally the club has other non-board offices: sergeant, speaker program, attendance, bulletin editor, property, club history, Rotary information, induction, communications, website, risk management, Rotary Foundation.
Meetings are conducted by the president assisted by the vice president with duties allocated to members.
Each member is allocated to a committee of service.
Club Officers: