The aim was to construct a well including a 2000 litre water storage tank with reverse osmosis filter system in the village of Plei Klau in Central Highlands Vietnam. The well is now complete.
Previously villagers had to walk several kilometres to fetch water. Attempts to hand dig wells had failed. In the past when water was found, the wells usually ran dry in the dry season. What water is found at shallow depth is polluted and seems to cause stomach and other health complaints, particularly among children and the elderly. It had been estimated that to reach good and sustainable water, drilling must go through about 56 meters of soil then 44 meters of rock. These deep wells will provide clean water thus minimizing the risk of sickness. Life will be a little easier and overall health and well being will improve.
The well is now complete. The drillers went down 110 meters with about 50% being rock. There is now a good flow of water. The filter system has been installed and is housed in a secure hut. The storage tank is complete. This well, located in the heart of the village, is now providing clean, filtered drinking water for about 2000 villagers. They no longer need to walk several kilometers to collect water from questionable sources. Although there is not yet evidence to support this, it is believed this water will dramatically improve the state of health in the village, in particular in children and the elderly.
It is a great outcome that would not have been possible without the support of the Rotary Club of West Perth, the Sunrise Rotary Club, Townsville and the Ross River Rotary Club of Townsville, and of individual donors. Derek Smith travelled to Vietnam and Plei Klau Village in January to be present at an ‘official’ opening of the well. A plaque has been mounted on the filter house acknowledging the donors.