Spectacle recycling and the See-Long award

The Rotary Club of West Perth has an ongoing club project to collect and re-distribute unwanted spectacles.

In 2014, more than 4000 pairs were sent to Sri Lanka along with two spectacle grading machines. This enabled the Rotary Club of Colombo to set up its own project in conjunction with local optometrists to distribute them to people in need. In December 2017,  over 2000 people in Sri Lanka  benefited from an eye screening project by Global hand Charity, using glasses collected by West Perth Rotary.
Currently, we have collected another 10,000 pairs of glasses which will be graded at Acacia prison prior to distribution later in 2018.
 As an incentive to collect even more spectacles, and to add a fun and competitive edge to the project, the club awards a perpetual trophy to the member who collects the most spectacles for this project. The annual award, known as the SEE-Long trophy, is presented each year with other club awards at Changeover Night.